Thursday, January 10, 2013




this photo isnt me. for the record..
this above photo is of an  actual (former)Governor of Nevada- Jim gibbons, having some fun with a friend
He had a few scandals, and was not re-elected.and subsequently divorced by his wife
THIS IS ME: handsome devil, arent i?

this sint me- but of a former junior senator from Massachusetts who had a lot of scandals- and went on to be elected President..


Dear Governor Patrick:

I hereby submit my name and availability and desire to be appointed Interim Junior US Senator for the State of Massachusetts.

I meet all constitutional and statutory requirements and will become  an "Inhabitant" to the State upon appointment.

I am a Navy Veteran,and  awarded the Navy expeditionary medal, served on an aircraft carrier during the Iranian Hostage Crisis, and subsequent Cold War Era. I was enlisted from Sept 1980- to May 1983.

I have a Bachelors Degree from Ohio State University,Columbus Ohio. A major in Business Economics, and International Studies. I also completed courses in accounting, public finance, and money and banking

I have an Associates Degree  in Applied Computer science/ Applied Software Engineering from Ivy Tech Community College. I am up to date on Widows XP, and Internet Social Networking, and Marketing.

I have dabbled in electoral Politics in my hometown of Fort wayne Indiana, where i have resided for quite a few years. the only trouble is that Indiana, and Fort Wayne , in particular- are over run with Tea party Republican types, and Im a Liberal Democrat. 

Im currently working as a caregiver to my elderly mother, , but I am willing and able, and have made plans for her care in my absence as (HOPEFULLY) Interim Massachusetts Senator.

The 90,000 dollars or so, is also a large interest.

My main motivation , however- is to Serve the People of the US in being a sure , relibale vote for the Democratic President, barack Obama, the US Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, and of course- the governor, and citizens of the State to which i will be serving. 

and of coure- My other motivation is to stick it to the Tea party, and make sure that none of their lunatic fringe right wing extremism continues to plague the american People any longer. Its time to end this great national Nightmare. these people are worse than the Nazis of 1933, and more dangerous to the health and well being of everbody.

As far as a quick background check- My credit is crummy, due to job losses/ economic factors.

I have had bad luck with women, so a couple of "Jerry Springer" stupid situations. I am happily single now, for several years, so thats no longer a concern. 
I have had a few traffic tickets, due to Police scrutiny.surveillance, etc- as being a politician subjecs one to that type of thing.

I have no felony convictions, and have managed to evade law enforcement, and keep clean, and out of trouble since 1999. 

I can pass any drug test- urine, hair follicle, etc.

I am of sound mind, and not suffering from any mental instability, other than mild PTSD, from Military Service( looking down the barrel of Soviet era Missile ships- designed to sink aircraft carriers in rapid means)

I have further other background information, to be gleaned from my many internet writings-Im a political Humorist, and writer; mostly- i write about the absurdity of our electoral system. and of course- this Appointment would be written about ' likely "Fear and Loathing in the US Senate- 6 months in the belly of the beast; or something like that( hey- just speaking frankly...)

I of course would be as responsible, and as serious as say a Private in Pattons army- do as im told by my partisans in charge; folow the chain of command, make sure im advised, and informed of all relevant information necesary, and most importantly- Vote with the Makrotiy leader on all votes- Harry Reid is a good, wise man.

I have Chicago roots, for what its worth- family from Oak Park, and Rogers Park ; and My grandfathers were: an ATF/T-man; and FAA/Civil engineer.

I am single, and My mom is able to take care of herself for a few days, or a week, or so at a time, So there is no complications there.

so to conclude- I am a loyal Democrat, I am Qualified for the job; I have a relatively clean, scandal free background, other than the usl mistakes we all have made. I have a clean criminal history, and record.

I would be proud to serve , and would be honored to be appointed as a "Average Joe" Mr Smith goes to Washington" Common citizen legislator. An d in light of the recent crop of (frankly) Bat-crap crazy Lunatic fringe Tea party Conservatives, and their extremist agenda- I would most assuredly be a great choice for you, and promise to do nothing to embarrass you, in placing your trust in me as your appointee. Also- I would be cool to explore the History of 1770's Boston, Mass, and region, and meet and get to know and serve the citizens of your state( as most of mine are GOP rednecks), sadly. 

If you dont appoint me, well-please select a woman, of color, or accomplishment, or a Kennedy, a Clinton(Chelsea)- or  anybody except that Scott Brown bonehead..( I heard he's working the times square "naked cowboy gig, since hes currently mostly unemployed..) 

well- I will keep in touch, as other matters of interest arise.
please feel free to ask me anything . my e-mail is

confidentiality assured. 

David Christopher Roach


I havent made an updated page that includes all the bat-crap crazy Tea party candidates, yet, but heres the template. ( I was serious enough to also send several e-mails to governor David Paterson, and NY media, as well. )- If Selected, I would 1. Vote precisely the way That Senator Harry Reid wanted me to vote; and 2. would pester Chelsea Clinton to run for this seat ( if shes serious about politics, and helping change the world..)- rent a office/ room in central Mass( where the girls are- womens colleges)- SENATOR CLINTON- THE NAME YOU KNOW. ( have you ever watched the movie" the Distinguished Gentleman"-w/ Eddie Murphy? gotta  run.- gotta dig up some e-mail addresses- governor Patrick( a fine Irish name?)- and others.. Again- Im serious! Navy Veteran( like both JFK's); a Solid democrat; and seriously- what's the worst that could happen- Im not some bat crap crazy Tea-party politico, after all.. ????
   The Secret to Politics is to 1. understand whats known as "asymmetrical Political warfare"( I e-mailed Mr eugene  Robinson at the "Wash-Post"- a series of axioms of this topic a while back)-
and 2. have plausible opertatives act as proxies- much as foot soldiers do the bidding of the Generals. Its all about organization. Besides- Secretary of state Hillary clinton will be building her 2016 foundation. what better way, than to have several willing accomplices already in place in high places, to implement her plans?    Speaking of former senator clinton- its true I also am not presently a "inhabitant"- as the statue reads- of Massachusetts, but considering I was inspired by JFK; Pt 109; the other Kennedys, esp John jr( and his unique perspective on politics- GEORGE MAGAZINE- among others)- and the Fascinating history of the Kennedy "Clan"- well- All Democrats are residents of Hyannis port, in a way, you know? 
A "Unique" Senate campaign, by an Odd ball "carpetbagger"- is just the  kind of political theatre that makes you guys' jobs at MSNBC, etc, more fun, after all. 
bu seriously- If no Kennedys are going to run, if no Clintons are going to run, if Barney Frank( who is a great congressman, but please- hes a media hog, but bless him for dodd- Frank- which is a blessing for all us poor folks)- And Rachel, or Lawrence arent going to run- due to MSNBC policies, well- sometimes you just have to say "W.T. F.", and go for it..( movie line risky business..
whats the worst that could happen? 

ps- see above- I pestered then NYC Governor David Paterson with over 2 dozen e-mails  about the above campaign. go check out the archives. 
I am also known the the Nevada democrat party- I helped run publicize the 2006 "Mimi for Governor Campaign" Their Nominee was Dina Titus( shes a senator now , isnt she? )- but nevada voted for this guy:  ( dont they look like the 2 kids from "Weird Science"? 
And dont forget the Litany of Tea party/ odd ball Legitimate politicos  that have been nominated, or shot them selves in the foot- due to sheer stupidity- and they were actually serious elected officials( most of the wack jobs are/were Republicans, recall..)
this time, I will be filing  FEC form 1 paperwork, and other s as needed. hey- when lightning strikes twice , go stand out in the storm with a tall metal pole.. oops- maybe a bad metaphor.
more like drop a dollar in the slot machine- pull the handle- cant win if you dont play? 

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